What Does It Mean To Live a Pussy Centered Life?

embodying your sexuality emotional numbness female anatomy pleasure sexual shame Aug 01, 2024


Wondering what it means to live a Pussy Centered Life? Pussy is truly embedded in every part of our human experience including the physical, emotional, spiritual, hormonal, and energetic realms. Within this post, I am sharing the importance of going through the portal of our emotions, reconnecting with our innate pleasure, and centering our lives around our sexuality. Pussy has the capacity to hold our ENTIRE spectrum of being - from pleasure & ecstasy to pain & anguish and everything in between. Pussy centered living is a layered journey, not a destination - and we aren’t meant to take this journey alone!

As a reminder, Pussy belongs to you no matter where you fall on the gender spectrum. If you resonate with Pussy, she belongs to you. Whether you identify as a woman, non-binary, or even if you do not have a physical Pussy, she is yours.  

Understanding Pussy Centered Living


So what is Pussy Centered Living? I want to share my Pussy Centered Living manifesto so you can get a better idea of it:

“Pussy Centered Living is a way of life that embraces and embodies the infinitely powerful feminine essence within. With the physical anatomy of Pussy as the portal, Pussy Centered Living emphasizes the profound inner wisdom, guidance, sexuality, rhythm, and vibrancy that stem from a woman's body and spirit.”

At its core, Pussy Centered Living is about centering life around Pussy, recognizing it as a literal and metaphorical portal to our deepest pleasure and potential for creation -- 
both physically and energetically. Pussy is the source of our deepest pleasure and also holds the capacity for pain…which can be transmuted into power and pleasure. This portal not only connects us to our physical body but also our energetic essence, radiating vibrancy and connecting us to the divine and the quantum field of creation. 

Pussy also governs our hormones and the emotional energy that we feel. She encompasses the full spectrum of emotions, from the heights of pleasure to the depths of pain. Tapping into this energy allows us to harness our primal, raw, divine creator energy to bring our deepest desires to life. Pussy also includes the entire anatomy of the female reproductive system including the:

  • Vulva
  • Vagina
  • Womb
  • Ovaries
  • And even the energy of our root chakra and sacral chakra

Living in rhythm with our hormones, Pussy, and her cycles is extremely advantageous to those of us who want to feel really fucking good in our lives.

Pussy is also following our intuition, inner wisdom, and guidance. While gaining inspiration and support from others is essential – each person's journey is unique. My experiences and teachings can offer you tools and insights, but ultimately, they guide you back to your own inner wisdom & Pussy. She holds profound wisdom and guidance, helping you navigate your life in ways that nourish and sustain you.

By listening to Pussy, you can create a life filled with pleasure, balance, and authenticity -- embracing both rest and productivity, reflection and emotion, all while staying connected to your truest self. This sets each of us up for a life that turns us the fuck on inside and outside of the bedroom – while living life to the fullest

Pussy is absolutely the source of our pleasure and our portal into ecstasy, bliss, and pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. This journey of pleasure can literally be never-ending and she is that juicy delicious feel-good pleasure where your eyes roll in the back of your head and your body is uncontrollably shaking and trembling because it's just so fucking good.


The Emotional Spectrum of Pussy


As I said before, Pussy encompasses the full range of human emotions. She holds our deepest pleasure and ecstasy, as well as our darker emotions like:

  • Anger
  • Disgust 
  • Grief
  • Frustration
  • Fear
  • Sadness
  • Disappointment

This is all part of being human and living Pussy centered means allowing ourselves to feel and process these emotions healthily and integratively. Pussy helps us sit in the discomfort of the emotions that many of us do not want to feel. You cannot feel extreme heights of pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, and connection with the divine if you are clamping down on your darker emotions.

High sensational experiences, both pleasurable and painful, are part of the journey. It is important to dissolve emotional numbness while learning how to feel all emotions. Pussy does hold a lot of trauma so learning how to anchor into safety, love, and compassion for ourselves allows us to embrace these sensations. 


Pussy has the capacity to hold us in our deepest anguish and to open us to our most ecstatic pleasure. Pussy is the portal of life and death, she is a reminder that we are God’s and Goddesses in human form. 

Centering Your Life Around Sexuality


Our sexuality is also a vital part of our being and a powerful source of creativity and life force energy. Sexuality is not something that is talked about in our mainstream culture. We are often sexually repressed and sex is seen as sinful, and taboo. Start to notice the ways you are disgusted by sexuality and start to give that sexual shame some love to melt away the layers – orgasm them into integration.

Embodying your sexuality means allowing yourself to be the sexual being you truly are. It involves integrating your sexual energy into all areas of your life, not just in the bedroom. This can manifest in many ways like:

  • Self-care practices
  • Intimate connections with others
  • Even how you show up in your daily interactions

When you center your life around your sexuality, you prioritize your sexual health and well-being. This could involve exploring your desires, setting boundaries, and engaging in practices that enhance your sexual energy and pleasure. It means allowing yourself to experience sexual pleasure fully, without guilt or shame, and recognizing that your sexuality is a powerful and sacred part of your identity.

Centering your life around sexuality also means valuing and prioritizing sexual pleasure. Pleasure is a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. By embracing your sexual pleasure, you tap into a source of infinite creativity and joy, which can positively impact all areas of your life. Remember that you are a fucking goddess + you are worthy of everything you deeply desire…AND you have the power to create & receive it. The more you listen to Pussy and your inner guidance and your wisdom, the more you will be led down your path.


Prioritizing Pleasure in Pussy Centered Living


To live a life that is Pussy centered, connecting to and prioritizing your pleasure is so important. The definition of pleasure is different for each of us and pleasure can be many different things such as: 

  • Binging ice cream and Netflix
  • Sexual ecstasy
  • Slowly drinking a warm cup of tea 
  • Catching up with a friend
  • Music
  • Sensually touching ourselves or others

There are so many different types of pleasure and we often become disconnected from our innate inner pleasure due to societal conditioning. This conditioning teaches us to only seek pleasure from external sources. While external pleasures are wonderful and should be enjoyed, true pleasure is an internal source, rooted in our very essence. By reconnecting with our internal pleasure that is ALWAYS available to us, we can live more fulfilling and pleasurable lives.

Prioritizing pleasure means putting our needs and desires first, not as an act of selfishness, but as a way to fill ourselves up so that we can show up fully for others. You cannot pour from an empty cup and when you are full to your core with pleasure, it spills out and impacts everyone around you.

Living Pussy Centered means continually centering your pleasure and recognizing it as a necessity, not a luxury. This way of living sustains and nourishes us, allowing us to fulfill our roles and responsibilities with energy and joy. When we are in our pleasure, we are in our power and pleasure is your birthright, it is not something you earn. 

Pussy is Our Source of Power

Pussy is the source of our pleasure and power. For me, power means having sovereignty over our lives and experiences. It’s about:


  • Feeling our emotions and transforming them into desired states
  • Claiming our desires and creating them in the world
  • Our sexuality because through ecstatic, cosmic, deeply connected orgasms, we realize our divinity
  • The physical act of birthing, we recognize ourselves as creators in this physical realm

Living Pussy centered means being connected to our source and resource— Pussy. This connection grants us the power to create the life we want, sustainably and pleasurably. It doesn’t burn us out, it nourishes us with an innate inner pleasure accessible anytime, anywhere. Pleasure is a shift in perspective + an attunement to the energy current within us. Each one of us can breathe down into Pussy for access. We all have the power to tune in and tap into pleasure.  

When we feel good, we are unstoppable and can create what we want in our lives. ​​Does this mean that it will show up in the timeline that we want? Probably not. Pussy is part of the divine mystery that we must surrender to.

Thousands of years ago there was a concerted effort to shut down the feminine, our pussies, and our sexuality—essentially cutting off our connection to our divinity. This repression aimed to control power by disconnecting us from our innate cycles and pleasures. Our ancestors lived Pussy centered lives, inherently tapping into this power. Reconnecting with Pussy allows us to feel good, ecstatic, and infinitely powerful, capable of creating our desired reality.

We are designed to receive, and Pussy is the evidence of this. I hope you found wisdom and inspiration in today’s message. By embodying Pussy Centered Living, we can better navigate our emotions, access our true power, and live in alignment with our deepest desires.

When you center yourself around your source, you walk the beautiful, spiraling, ebbing, and flowing path of Pussy Centered Living.


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