The Power of Desire
Aug 02, 2024
What if embracing the power of your deepest desires changed your entire existence for the better? This is not a far-off dream and this can be your reality! Join me as I share the two things you MUST know to bring your desires to fruition and the number one thing that will stop you from creating your desire and having what it is that you really want. I also share why it’s important to align your heart-centered and Pussy centered desires for a balanced AND fulfilling life!
Harnessing the Power of Desire to Alchemize Your Reality
As you dive into this post, slow down, take a deep breath into your body, and feel all of the sensations. Desire lives in our body and the more we are tuned in, the more we can be connected to our desires. So, what is the point of harnessing our desires? Desire is a powerful force within us and when we allow ourselves to follow it, this changes our existence. Bringing our desires to life is the juiciest thing we can spend this life doing.
Many of us who were born into a female body were not encouraged to go after our desires. We can carry deep conditioning that our desires can be:
- Dangerous
- Selfish
- Sinful
But desire can actually feel really good in our bodies too. I invite you to tune into your body again and notice if there is a desire present – if so, what does it feel like? Sometimes, desire feels intangible, like a subtle pull, while other times it feels strong and undeniable within us. But whether it feels like butterflies in your stomach or an irresistible pull, the key is to follow it. This is not always easy because we may have past conditioning or a belief that we cannot have what we want. But I believe we can truly have anything we desire because these desires come from our soul and higher consciousness. Our desires connect us with what we are truly meant to do in this world.
Desire is a super powerful force within us but we cannot just manifest our desires through affirmations or visualization alone. We must take real, aligned action because, without action, our desires remain unfulfilled. When we align our intentions with the right actions and clear any inner resistance, we harness our most powerful energy...our Pussy power. This helps us truly alchemize our world and create the life we want.
We live in a quantum universe, this is not woo-woo – it’s a scientific fact. In a quantum universe, we create what we want by aligning with our desire and then taking action steps. So, as you tune into your own desires, know that you have the power to transform your reality. Embrace your desires, align yourself with them, and take the steps needed to make them real. This is the juiciest + most fulfilling work you can do.
Heart-Centered vs. Pussy-Centered Desires: Finding Balance for Sustainable Living
Most feminine beings have beautiful heart-led desires. We are heart-centered, full of love for our families, communities, and the world. This makes us want to overgive because the energy in the heart is love – which is outward-moving and has a masculine (yang) pull. However, if we only follow our heart-centered desires, we risk burning out, becoming overwhelmed, and we stop caring as much because we are exhausted.
This is where Pussy-centered desires come in – Pussy-centered desires fill us up and take care of us first. These desires are feminine (yin) which means that the energy is inward flowing. We have been conditioned, as women and feminine beings, to think that putting ourselves first is selfish. But actually, Pussy-centered desires nourish us, allowing us to sustainably serve our heart-centered desires without burning out.
It's wonderful to be heart-centered, but we need to balance that with our Pussy-centered desires to prevent over-giving and exhaustion. By filling ourselves up first, we can give to others in a way that is sustainable and nourishing.
The Two Essential Keys to Manifesting Your True Desires
There are two things that you need to know in order to have what you want:
- Know What You Want: This might seem obvious but it is actually easier said than done. Deep conditioning might make it hard to know what we truly want but a daily practice of asking yourself what you desire can help you get clarity over time.
- Know Why You Want It: Understanding why you want what you desire is crucial. The road to achieving your desires is not always easy and knowing your "why" motivates us to keep going – even when the journey gets tough.
These two keys are fundamental to bringing your desires into reality. Clarity and purpose will keep you focused on this path.
The Number One Thing That Will Stop You From Fulfilling Your Desires
The number one thing that will stop you from getting what you want is simply not taking action. You can have all the desire, intention, and energy in the world, but if you don’t take action, nothing will happen. Action is the key to bringing your desires out of the quantum and into the physical world. It’s what turns your dreams from something floating around in your mind into a tangible reality.
So, what stops us from taking action? It’s usually the parts of ourselves that are in resistance to it. You might consciously want something, but subconsciously, parts of you are afraid of it. This fear can manifest as physical sensations, like tension or anxiety, or as thoughts that make you second-guess yourself. These fears can be subtle or overwhelming, but either way, they can paralyze you and keep you from moving forward.
Desire and fear are two sides of the same coin. The stronger and more true your desire is, the more fear you’re likely to have around it. It’s crucial to recognize that fear doesn’t mean your desire is wrong – it just means you’re stepping out of your comfort zone.
To overcome this, you need to tap into tools like pleasure and nervous system regulation to help you push through this resistance. By combining action with embodiment, fully stepping into the energy of who you need to be, you can overcome fear and make your desires a reality.
Desire is an incredibly powerful force within us, capable of alchemizing our reality and bringing something new into existence. But to truly harness this power, it’s crucial to balance our heart-centered desires with our Pussy-centered desires. Knowing what you want and why you want it is key to manifesting your desires, but all the inner work, alignment, and empowerment won’t mean much if you’re not taking the right actions. It’s not just about doing things for the sake of it, but about taking aligned, purposeful actions that move you closer to what you truly desire.
Having everything you desire is possible, you just have to follow these steps to get there!
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