1 Minute Pussy Centered Practices

The #1 reason I hear women give for not being able to meet their own needs is a lack of time.

One of the cornerstones of living Pussy Centered is being able to meet your own, deepest needs - because without that, you'll be caught forever in the cycles of lack and stress.

I do not want you to live in lack and stress.

I want you to experience what you're meant to experience in this life: abundance, pleasure, ease, and growth.

Use the following three practices to connect you to your Pussy Centeredness, so you can begin meeting your deepest needs and create spaciousness in your life for all the good stuff to flow!

Note: if you're new to Pussy Centeredness and she doesn't yet feel like a particularly good or safe place in your body, you can simply feel into your whole body and ask for your body's wisdom, in the first and third practices.

The second one I share, theĀ Mini-Rage, is a practice to allow you to express what you're feeling - this will set you free!!!

Feeling your fear, anxiety, grief, or anger and then expressing it with your body will allow the emotion to integrate into your nervous system, leaving you feeling centered, calm, and much better.

So while in the video I speak mostly about expressing anger, please know this practice is super powerful for any emotion.

If you feel fear or anxiety, literally allow yourself to enact how you feel - maybe that's curling up in a fetal position in bed, maybe that's allowing your whole body to shake. If you feel sadness or grief, allow yourself to cry, slobber, wail even....deeply feel what it is you're feeling.

To end it, finish with a moment of the Pussy/body sensing meditation to ground yourself back down.

May this Medicine serve you well, sister!


Pussy Centered Living,
The Most Profound Support for your Life

What I've experienced in my own life, and what I've seen from my clients, is that the #1 thing you can do to live from a place of calm, trust, ease, abundance, and true pleasure, no matter what challenges you face, is to be connected to the innermost place of your feminine power.

I call this place Pussy.

If you're curious about how living Pussy Centered could support you in your life, and certainly during this time of pandemic, I invite you to click the button below and check out the School of Pussy Centered Living.


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