Pussy =
the Power + the Pleasure
to Create the Life You Want
You hear me talking about pleasure ~ and you like this idea, you like this idea of pleasure....but you don't actually have any idea how to practically apply it to your life.
You're busy! Life is full! There are things to do!!
How do you actually live from pleasure when you've got real life to take care of???
Or maybe it's easy to tap into pleasure when the circumstances are right -
but how do you maintain it, how do you live from a place of pleasure through all the challenges life brings??
Likewise, you hear me talking about Pussy, and you're intrigued... even though that word may also bring up discomfort...even though you may feel disconnected from this place in your body...there's something inside you that's so curious about what this Pussy stuff is all about...
You can be honest here - you're intrigued, but you don't really get the whole Pussy thing
Or maybe, you already have a relationship to Pussy. Maybe you're even a Pussy Queen ~ but once again, only when the circumstances are right.
And when the circumstances are not right, you lose the connection.
You want to keep this connection through every circumstance, through all the ups & the downs, but you just don't know how...
Good news for you, my love:
you're talking to the Pussy Queen
{yes, that's me 😻}
and I'm here to show you what this Pussy & pleasure fuss is all about,
and how Pussy & pleasure can be your consistent go-to, supporting you through everything that comes your way.
***Pussy will change your life***
for the better, of course!
And I'm here not only to show you, but to help you actually apply it, so that you can live as the pleasure-full, Pussy Queen you truly are, while reaping the many {let's just say infinite} benefits that Pussy & pleasure bring.
Such benefits include but are certainly not limited to:
😻 Being able to move through challenging emotions - think anger, frustration, sadness, overwhelm, disappointment etc. - with, dare I even say it, pleasure...so that you feel f*cking better than ever on the other side
😻 Feeling confident AF in yourself, in your body, in your life, so that you can feel amazing dating / have incredible sëx / land your dream client / ask for a raise
😻 Trusting yourself deeply, so you can move through daily decisions, big & small, with ease & grace
😻 Instead of feeling stuck in the daily hustle & grind, pleasure supports you in shifting to a paradigm of ease & spaciousness
😻 All of your relationships - romantic, children, friends, biz - improve, because you're centered in your most powerful, magnetic energy, you've got boundaries, and you're overflowing with pleasure & pouring it into everyone around you {in a way that feels so f*cking good to you of course}
😻 Your sexual pleasure goes through the roof - because you know how to tune into Pussy & give her what she wants - while saying no to the things she doesn't
😻 Your life continues to become more & more of everything you truly want, because you're deeply connected to your deepest desires & empowered to actually create them
You may read through that list and think to yourself,
"She must be exaggerating. Connecting with this kinda mysterious thing called Pussy could not *actually* create all those results in my life."
But this is the thing - I AM NOT EXAGGERATING.
I have experienced ALL of these results in my own life, as have my clients who've reclaimed & embodied Pussy.
But you don't need to take my word for it - come experience it with me!
Join me for
A Taste of Pussy
a free workshop for women & non-binary pussy-havers in which you'll get to experience the magical power & pleasure of Pussy for yourself
Despite what may feel implied, A Taste of Pussy is not just about sex.
Pussy absolutely encompasses your sexuality, of course ~ AND she is so much more than that.
She is an energy
She's an essential part of your psyche
She is fuel for your life
She is the deepest well of sustainable, life-nourishing pleasure
She is your source of radiance, wisdom & guidance
She is the power to create the life you're truly here for!
So don't be shy my love ~
Pussy is also the power of Sisterhood
and my hand is extended, inviting you to join.
But wait~ you may now be wondering, as you contemplate taking my hand ~
if it's not about sex, what is going to happen at A Taste of Pussy??
I'm so glad you asked!
A Taste of Pussy is an opportunity for you to create an new relationship with this powerful part of yourself, to tune in to her wisdom, and to lovingly embrace what is there - whether that be pleasure, shame, disconnection, or whatever else you may discover.
This is the most powerful way to begin {or strengthen} your relationship with Pussy - with acceptance of what is. From this potent foundation, you can then shift into more of what you want {from shame to pleasure, for example}, so that you not only feel amazing in your life, you can also create the things & experiences you really want.
To facilitate this relationship building between you & your power source {Pussy!}, I'll walk you through my unique framework that's helped dozens of my clients connect with Pussy.
The framework goes like this:
✨ Awaken ✨
Awaken to Pussy herself, to her desires, to her pleasure.
You'll learn to do this with simple yet potent tools that are always at your disposal, so that you're always empowered to tap into Pussy & her sustaining pleasure, her infinite wisdom, any time, anywhere ~ no hands required!
✨ Integrate ✨
What you discover upon connecting with Pussy may not be pleasure - it may be disconnection, shame, numbness...whatever it is, it's completely fine. It's where you're at, and you can definitely work with where you at {there's nothing wrong with you, you're not broken, you're inherently perfect, as is your pussy}
But if you're ready to experience something different - like a deep connected relationship to this most powerful part of yourself, like an inner source of pleasure that will support you through all of life's challenges ~ then let's do it.
Remember those potent yet simple tools that are always at your disposal, that you'll use to awaken to Pussy & her pleasure? Well, I'll teach you how to use those same tools to integrate {you could think of this as "heal"} what you don't want to be experiencing - the shame, the numbness, the disconnection, whatever it may be - and you'll learn to shift it into what you DO want:
sustainable, life nourishing Pleasure that allows you to feel good no matter what’s going on in your life;
ease and flow instead of hustle and grind;
a deep connection to the power of your own self.
✨ Rebirth ✨
This is the phase of the process in which you get to decide what it is you actually want to be experiencing.
You literally created space in your nervous system during the integration phase, space in your nervous system to imprint a new relationship with Pussy.
What do you want to receive from your relationship with Pussy?
Pleasure, confidence, turn on??
Whatever it is, you'll imprint it into your nervous system as the new foundation for your relationship with Pussy, with a practice that can be experienced either sensually or sexually {meaning, you can decide if you want to tap into sensual pleasure or sexual pleasure for this practice}.
Rebirth yourself into the Pussy Centered Woman/Human you truly are!!
✨ Create ✨
I'm all about pleasure for the sake of pleasure....AND what I'm most interested in is creating a life - the marriage, the family, the biz, the LIFE - that most turns me on & lights me up.
In my decades of study + practice of consciously creating the life I want {you could also say "manifesting" here if you like}, I have found no tool more potent or more powerful than pleasure. In A Taste of Pussy, I'll share the why & the how of pleasure being the way to create the life you dream of.
✨ Celebrate ✨
This final phase of the framework may be the most important part! Scientific research has shown that celebration is an incredibly powerful tool to train your brain to see the good things in life {by default, your brain looks for the bad things}.
Celebrating yourself for attending the workshop will help anchor in the insight, the healing, & the reconnected relationship you created with Pussy.
Plus, there's nothing like being witnessed by Sisters & Siblings in your celebration, which is what you'll get to experience at a Taste of Pussy.
But that's not all!!
"Loveseat" Laser Coaching As Well!
After I've taught you the tools & you've used them in the practices & we've gone through this framework, I'm then going to offer you support in whatever was most challenging for you in relationship to Pussy.
You will have an opportunity to sit in the "loveseat", which means that we'll have a 1:1 conversation, & I'll offer coaching to support you in reclaiming your pleasure & Pussy to even greater levels.
To summarize all that goodness, at A Taste of Pussy you'll learn:
✨ My unique, tried & true framework to hold you through powerful growth, healing & transformation, so that you can create a whole new relationship to Pussy & be empowered in your life like never before
✨ Simple yet potent & easily accessible tools to help you connect with Pussy & shift your experience from not pleasurable to pleasure-full
{no self pleasuring even required!}
✨How to tap into pleasure & the power + wisdom of Pussy, any time, anywhere
✨ Why & how pleasure is THE most powerful tool for creating the life you most desire
And you'll also have the opportunity to get coached in the "loveseat"!
We're going to cover a lot at A Taste of Pussy, and you're going to walk away with a totally new relationship to Pussy and thus to yourself.
And~ this is just a taste of the magic Pussy has to offer!
So if you loved this taste of Pussy & how your life could completely transform from this foundation of pleasure, you'll be invited to join me for the full meal deal:
The School of Pussy Centered Living
My 12 week signature program that's changed dozens of women's lives through the power & pleasure of Pussy
Whether you decide to go full out for the School of Pussy Centered Living or not, you'll benefit deeply from the Taste of Pussy that I'm offering completely for free.
Sign up here ------>>>
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My hand is extended in invitation...
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A Taste of Pussy