You long for real pleasure & full body ecstasy...

 You yearn for deep intimacy,
& wild passion...

But instead of experiencing ecstatic pleasure & deep connection with yourself and/or partner in the bedroom,

you feel numb, bored, & not even a little bit turned on...

Which makes you feel like something is BROKEN and WRONG with you!

Your sexuality is an inherent, core part of who you are...

And that's why it feels so painful & frustrating & shameful to not be experiencing it like you want to...

 This is what sex used to feel like for me.
Can you relate?

The weight of your partner on top of you feels safe & comforting...

You hope that maybe this time you'll feel desire...
maybe this time you'll feel turned on...
maybe this time you'll feel some pleasure...

But as your partner kisses your face, your lips, your neck, pressing his cock against your pussy as he does so*,

your body feels like a numb block of human...
no spark of turn on or desire anywhere to be felt...

As he pushes his cock inside, you're hardly even aware of your body bracing herself, rather than opening up to receive...

you're hardly aware of this because you're not even present in your body - instead, your mind is racing & you're caught up in loops of thought:

"I hope I don't smell bad down there...
Am I doing something weird with my face?
Do I look sexy right now?
Am I acting sexy right now?
Does he like this?
Can he tell I'm not turned on?
Let me make some noises so he thinks this feels good...
then this will be over!
Come now already, will you please!?"

And as your partner thrusts faster, approaching orgasm, you make noises like the girls in porn, you move your body a little, pretending it feels good...

then when he finally gives his last thrust & collapses on top of you, asking did you cum too babe?

You say yes, I did.

But of course you didn't. 
And you know that. 

*For simplicity's sake, I'm talking in hetero, binary terms here...but please know this applies to all combinations of genders & orientations 

So now, instead of basking in post orgasmic bliss & the deep connection that comes with shared ecstasy ~

you feel upset with yourself that it happened again.

 You feel frustrated with your body for not cooperating.

You feel despair, thinking,


something must really be wrong with my pussy 😭 

 Hi, I'm Jenny. 
Let me assure you, there's NOTHING wrong with your body or your pussy or any of it!

You are perfectly capable of experiencing the full, juicy, wild pleasure of your sexuality  -

your body & your pussy are perfect.

 Real talk, this is what's actually going on:

✨You don't have the knowledge of how your body & your arousal & your pussy get turned on

✨ You don't have the right tools to support your turn on

✨ You've got conditioning from your family, society, culture & religion that is f*cking with you at a deep level & blocking your turn on

✨ There's trauma too - personal perhaps, also collective & ancestral, blocking your turn on

✨ There may be other things in your inner world that are blocking your turn on: emotions, past experiences, inner identities...


You're not broken, you just don't know how to heal & integrate all that shit

There's nothing wrong with your body - you were just never given permission nor shown the tools to liberate

your Turn On
your Pleasure
your Pussy Power... 

That's why I'm here.
To teach you, be your guide, initiate you into the power & the pleasure & the perfection of your very own body.

I'm here to share the knowledge, give you the tools, & to take you on an embodied experience that will allow you to move through all blocks & access what you want most:

A wet, juicy pussy turned on with pleasure & desire!

Experiencing ecstasy, pleasure, deep intimacy & connection with yourself & partner 

Feeling beautiful & in love with your own body, your own pussy, your own self!!

It is my genius & my path to initiate you through experience, so that you're not just getting an intellectual understanding of the knowledge & the tools, but you're taking it all & having a lived, embodied experience.

What this

Your healing & transformation can happen in quantum leaps

When you step into guided space with me, we don't just step from A to B to C - 

instead, we create a portal of transformation through which you can start at A {which is exactly where you're at}  and end at J or even Z...

You can start with numbness & end with orgasm

You can start with shame & end with ecstasy 

You can start with broken & end up whole

{to be clear, you've always been whole}

this is how we're gonna do it

In the Well Fucked Queen Transformation Portal, I'll share the knowledge, the tools, & the embodiment to move past your blocks & liberate your turn on, pleasure & desire.

You're ready for your pussy to be grabbing that cock & pulling him right in cuz you want him sooo bad

you're ready to be fucked wide open ~ by yourself, your partner, the Universe...

you're ready to surrender into the cosmic waves of ecstasy & pleasure coursing through your body ðŸ”¥ðŸ’¦ðŸ˜»

My Sister ~
It's time to liberate the Well Fucked Queen! 


This is where we're gonna do it

The Well Fucked Queen Transformation Portal

In this two day transformational experience, you'll

  • Learn the 5 Holistic Tools to open up mind blowing pleasure
    These are key to healing & igniting your sexuality in a way that is powerful & deep, yet also gentle. These tools will not only allow you to shift conditioning & beliefs that are blocking your turn on, release emotions such as shame, fear & guilt, and heal trauma, but they also allow you to expand, deepen, & intensify your pleasure, ecstasy & bliss.
    Yep, you need these!!

  • Receive the knowledge of Pussy & her Turn On
    Can you believe that the actual anatomy & structures of female arousal were removed from & left out of anatomy & medical books for centuries?? Only to be rediscovered & pieced together in the last decades {by a Pussy Queen, of course} No wonder neither you nor your partner knows how to turn your pussy on... but you will after this!! 
    And, you won't solely be receiving this knowledge intellectually of course~  you'll be guided through an embodied experience of it. Get ready for pleasure!!

  • Reconnect with & reclaim this incredibly powerful part of you I call Pussy
    The Well Fucked Queen's other name is the Pussy Centered Queen 
    Pussy is an energetic part of you, as well as physical, & reclaiming her is essential for your wholeness & power, in & out of the bedroom. She is the Source of pleasure ~ whether that be sexual or otherwise ~ so if you want access to the channel of pleasure that runs within you, you get to be in full ownership of Pussy!

The WFQ Transformation Portal is now a self-study course

Begin when you're ready
Listen to the modules + watch the 2 classes on your own perfect timing 
Repeat as many times as needed 

YES - I'm choosing this for myself!

What you'll get:

✨ A mini course to deep dive you into the pleasure & turn on of your amazing pussy & empowered sexuality! 

You'll get three teaching modules and two 2 hour classes, all prerecorded so you can do it on your own divine timing.

✨ The intellectual knowledge of what we're doing & why it works

Knowledge empowers experience ~ the more we know about something & what it does & why it works, the better results we get. 

Therefore, you'll receive several short but powerful modules to create the foundation for your best possible experience & deepest transformation 

✨ The lived, embodied experience of the teachings, so that you truly understand the tools & processes I teach, plus my own potent transmission 
Half of the magic is my own transmission & space holding ~ which you'll receive even through the recordings.
The other half is the magic of receiving the tools & knowledge as a lived experience - which is what you get when you follow along with these powerful classes. 

What you'll have on the other side:

✨ Embodied knowledge of the Holistic Tools, plus the process for using them
After these two days, you'll be empowered to use this medicine over & over & over & over again, to your infinite expansion of pleasure & orgasmic bliss!

✨ An intimate understanding of your turn on & pleasure
Remember, you're not broken - you just don't know how to turn Pussy on. Don't worry, you will after this!

✨ The ability to choose pleasure in sex, no matter what
When you go to make love, you may still feel turned off, whether that's from numbness or old conditioning or shame or who knows what... whatever shows up, it's all good, because you know how to use the tools & move through it towards the ecstasy & orgasm & connection you really want

✨ Permission to live as the Well Fucked Pussy Queen you truly are!
In a world that tells womxn not to be sluts, to close their legs, to be good girls, to take care of others...I give you permission to say Fuck that!!
I give you permission to love sex, to love to fuck, because that is our true nature.
I give you permission to be who you truly are, to claim pleasure for yourself, and to experience the wildest ecstasy life has to offer ðŸ”¥ðŸ’¦ðŸ˜»

Permission to say yes!

"Thank you for who you are & what you do."

My love, you have taught me so well, & I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my pussy, thank you, Jenny Braxton, thank you for being such an amazing alchemist & for sharing your gifts & teachings with other womxn. I have no words for how much I appreciate you.

"I've never met anyone like Jenny"

The level of healing is like no other, Jenny makes you feel safe & seen.
Jenny is able to lead you through to your deepest healing. 

"I'm Literally Obsessed"

My soul has been IGNITED. I lost touch with my feminine energy & sexuality after I had my daughter. I forgot how to be a beautiful - sensual- sexual being & let that pleasure & passion guide me. Thank you so much for reconnecting me to myself.
You. Are. A. Queen.

Your Investment


***Please note the WFQ Transformation Portal comes as a bonus when you work with me 1:1, either in an intensive or regular package.
Click the button below for more info on working 1:1 with me:
I Want To Know About 1:1

$222 pay in full
or 2 x $117 payment plan

Pay in Full $222
Payment Plan $117

Shawna Marie

" Jenny helps women know who they truly are and what they are capable of manifesting into their lives as an empowered women; a Queen, Enchantress, Heroine, and Goddess of their life. Her vision is to build strong foundations of self-trust, self-validation, and self-love so that you can shine your light, share your unique gifts with the world, and inspire others to do the same. Her method comes from her own experience and journey of finding a connection with her truth, desires, and inner wisdom She was there to hold the space for us to heal and help us to get out of our heads, into our hearts and SHINE in all our greatness.

I walked in wounded, holding traumas that had been bottled up and shoved aside for nearly 20 years. I was ready, I was tired of holding so much pain, anger, shame, guilt, trauma, sadness, fear, disappointment and this was exactly what I was able to start releasing and working through. I have made huge strides in healing myself and with that I have become a lighter and happier soul, a better daughter, better friend and better human.

Clarity has come in like a gentle wave. It reminded me who I really was and what I am here for. To love and be. The safety there allowed me to be real with myself about the wounds that needed healing and guided me through the ways to heal them, as well as the importance of doing so. It reminded me to speak my mind because my intuition is strong. In vulnerability I found my strength."

Shawna joined me for a 3 day retreat
She knows the kind of transformational portal I create ~
that WE create~ together

What We Do Together:


✨ Release & integrate the conditioning you've been indoctrinated with around your sexuality, so that you can be your authentic sexual self.

Results of this:
 no more shame, guilt, embarrassment, or insecurity in your sexuality.

Instead, you're empowered by your true desires & experiencing more sexual pleasure, hotter sex, bigger & better orgasms, more intimacy & connection with yourself and/or your partner


✨ Gently heal personal, ancestral, & collective trauma, so that you can experience safety, love & belonging in your sexuality.

Results of this:
 so much pleasure, hotter, deeper, more cosmic sex, full body orgasms, extended orgasms, whatever kinds of orgasms you desire.

You're confident & know your power, which allows you to ask for what you want, in & out of the bedroom


✨ Lovingly integrate the wounded & disempowered parts of yourself, so that you can embody the well-fucked  Queen you truly are!

Results of this:
 you feel amazing in your life, and you're connected to your sexual desire & turn on

You're in love with yourself, which empowers you to be, do & have everything you want

Take Me! ;)

"My entire experience was so wonderful."

I came to Jenny because I wanted to connect with my sexuality in an authentic way and to feel sexual desire again. I have achieved those desires - I've now had my first orgasms in years! I also gained self-permission to stop grinding away and to enjoy pleasure and fun in my life.

Jenny was such a comforting and supportive individual to talk to about sexuality, which can be such a sensitive topic.