Becoming a Pussy Centered Queen
Aug 02, 2024
Why Pussy? Why the word Pussy? Why am I a Pussy centered woman? These are the questions that I am going to answer today as I share with you the story that led me to where I am right now as the Pussy centered queen that I am today. I also get into working through painful sex after childbirth, sexual healing & reclamation, and how the duality of life comes together in Pussy.
If you have limiting beliefs, conditioning, or shame around Pussy and sexuality, you aren’t alone but that doesn’t have to be your reality. You can start to decondition by saying the word Pussy and notices how it lands for you. Whether you are a Pussy queen yourself or just starting on the sacred journey to Pussy centered living, read on!
Why Pussy? Exploring the Call to Embrace Feminine Power
Pussy called me before I knew it was her. Just the word “Pussy” feels powerful, seductive, and playful – and once she calls you, there is no going back. Pussy embodies both the light and the dark, the pain and the pleasure, and anchors the divine feminine energy into our bodies. Pussy is the fertile void from which all life and creativity are born. Pussy gives us a sense of grounding and brings together the primal, the erotic, and the deeply feminine aspects of our being.
My journey began 11 years ago when a dear friend gave me the book Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent. Throughout the book, Tami shares about how to do a yoni massage, the energetics of our pelvic floor & pelvic floor therapy. Initially, I thought “I don’t need that” because I was already a liberated and empowered woman, but once I read the first few paragraphs, I was sucked right in. I realized how disconnected I was from my own body and the deep body shame I carried. I thought my Pussy was ugly and I had deep shame around even saying the word “vagina”.
Through yoni massage and understanding the energetics of the pelvic bowl, I began to connect deeply with my Pussy and embrace my body in new ways. This journey was intertwined with my experiences of childbirth and motherhood, which were both empowering and painful, but ultimately led me to a deeper connection with my feminine self.
From Pain to Pleasure: My Healing Journey Through Pussy Centered Living
After my first child was born, I experienced excruciating pain during sex for seven months. My midwives told me to wait six weeks after the baby was born to have sex and I figured that after six weeks, I would feel great (this wasn’t the case). It was a lonely and scary time, filled with fears that I might never enjoy sex again. The pain gradually lessened but it was common for me to experience discomfort and difficulty getting turned on. When my daughter was born two years later, the pain was not as severe but it was still there.
This is around the time I started to dive into Wild Feminine and began doing Yoni massages on myself. Tami is an amazing pelvic floor therapist who was only a few hours away from me so I booked a session with her. This session was a transformational internal pussy massage (pussies are made up of layers of muscles!) along with powerful visualizations. After this session, my pain during sex greatly lessened – but I still had a lack of sexual desire and it took me a long time to get turned on.
Six years later, while pregnant with my third child, my mother's terminal brain cancer was in its final stages. Her decline was difficult, but she held on long enough to meet my son. Four months later, she passed away. This forced me to surrender to the immense grief and transformation these events brought into my life.
This period of life and death opened a portal within me, calling me to truly embrace Pussy and her power.
How Pussy, Motherhood, and Ecstatic Birth Empowered My Journey
The portal of life and death opened and I heard Pussy call my name, even if I did not know it was her at the time. Before this awakening, I was living a life that seemed perfect on paper:
- Homeschooling my kids
- Farming
- Married to the love of my life
- Living in paradise
Yet, despite this seemingly idyllic life, I felt drained out and disconnected. Motherhood was really hard for me and I was exhausted every day. Even though I created this beautiful life, I felt like shit. I knew I wanted to be of greater service to the world but I didn’t know my path yet. I was waiting for a mentor and teacher and I kept saying “Universe, show me the way.”
Then, one day, I saw a Facebook ad for a coaching program aimed at spiritual entrepreneurs. It was one of those moments of full-body knowing—I was meant to take this course, despite the $7,000 price tag. Telling my husband about this decision was terrifying, but he supported me wholeheartedly. This leap of faith led me to create a coaching program focused on empowering women through birth, recognizing the impact that empowered birth can have on both mothers and their children.
During this journey, I discovered Sheila Kamara Hay and her teachings on ecstatic birth, home birth, and orgasmic birth. Even though I had an intense, powerful, and painful birth, her teachings resonated with me. Her insights opened my eyes to the conditioning and trauma that often surrounds childbirth. I realized that birth uses all the same hormones, all the same pathways, and all the same body parts as sex. Enrolling in her ecstatic birth practitioner training was transformative, teaching me to attune to my own pleasure and helping me support others in doing the same.
Reclaiming Pussy and Pleasure
The turning point in my journey came when I encountered the book Pussy: A Reclamation by Mama Gena. After listening to her powerful talk in Sheila’s program, I was immediately drawn to her work. I devoured the book, listened to every podcast featuring her, and immersed myself in her teachings. This was when Pussy truly entered my life and I was like “She wants to be called Pussy so Pussy it is!” Although I had been doing significant work with my yoni and pelvic bowl, Mama Gena's teachings allowed me to fully embrace Pussy – which opened up soooo much pleasure for me.
Mama Gena held an annual free event in New York, which I knew I needed to go to. Even though I had a young child at home who was still nursing a lot, my amazing husband surprised me with plane tickets and booked me a hotel. This gift changed both of our lives so much. I spent two days surrounded by 800 incredible women and the empowering presence of Mama Gena. The experience was filled with sisterhood, liberation, empowered women, and a deep sense of reclamation that left me feeling profoundly changed.
When I returned from this trip, I was determined to embrace the changes in my life so I stopped homeschooling my kids and significantly scaled back on farming. Reclaiming Pussy and embracing pleasure became central to my life and I started to feel truly alive – this was the medicine I deeply needed. I was experiencing painful sex throughout this time so once I got home, I turned on to Pussy & pleasure but I knew that this was an invitation to go deeper into my sexual healing journey.
Embracing Pussy as a Source of Strength and Creativity
During this journey of self-empowerment, I experienced a profound physical, emotional, and spiritual reclamation of Pussy and my sexuality. I was working as a birth coach and had a thriving Facebook group with over a thousand members called “Sacred Birth Conscious Mama” – but the phrase "Pussy Centered Living" kept echoing in my mind. I shared this with my business coach at the time and she suggested renaming my current group instead of starting a new one.
Despite my initial shock and hesitation, I followed the signs from “the great Pussy in the sky” as Mama Gena says – and made the change. Some members embraced it and others were like “Hell no, I am not being in a group that has the word Pussy in it.” But shortly after this, my signature program, The School of Pussy Centered Living was born and I found out that Pussy not only worked for me but it worked for others as well.
I continued to evolve the school, integrating my own journey of sexual healing. During this time, I discovered Layla Martin and her coaching program through a free online event. I felt a strong pull to join her year-long certification program to become a trauma-informed sex, love, and relationship coach, which focused on Tantra. Layla’s program provided the tools and methodology to take my clients deeper into healing and empowerment. Graduating from her program deepened my understanding of sexual healing and her guidance and teachings were invaluable. She is fucking brilliant and I am infinitely grateful for her influence on my journey.
Today I invite you to embrace the word "Pussy" yourself. Whether you're comfortable with it or not, try saying it out loud or mouthing the word and notice how it feels in your body.
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