Cycle Health with The Blood Slut

Season #2

From dealing with vulva insecurity to experiencing the debilitating effects of PMDD, our guest today has navigated deep struggles with body image, menstrual health, and self-acceptance - only to emerge with powerful insights on healing, reclaiming pleasure, and fully embracing their body. As a sexologist specializing in labia insecurity and a holistic dietitian focused on PMDD + menstrual cycle health, Gem Campbell (also known as The Blood Slut) joins us today for an empowering conversation about all things cycle health. 


In this episode, we dive deep into topics like PMDD (what it is and how to navigate it), living in sync with our menstrual cycles, and period pain (including how trauma and patriarchal conditioning play a role in our experiences). We also unpack vulva shame and why so many people struggle to accept the beauty + diversity of their P u s s y’s. Although these topics may seem heavy, this conversation is filled with laughter, honesty, and unapologetic reclamation!


Topics include:

  • Exploring PMDD + PME (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder/premenstrual exacerbation)
  • Vulva insecurity, vulva diversity, + labiaplasty
  • Patriarchal wounding and conditioning
  • EMDR Therapy, exposure therapy, + EFT Tapping
  • PTSD, childhood trauma, and processing rage
  • Period pain, self-pleasure, and orgasms
  • Cycle syncing + intuitive eating 


Download Gem’s FREE Womb Healing Immersion to support you with reducing period pain, becoming more at peace with yourself, and managing your emotions: []


Ready to reclaim the full power of who you are? Join Jenny on February 18th for the FREE online reclamation experience - Unacceptably Feminine: []


Book a complimentary call with Jenny to explore your desires and the blocks + challenges that may be coming up for you.: []


Do you desire to go from feeling disconnected in your body to experiencing deep pleasure and empowerment? If so, put your name on the waitlist to be first to know when the next round of The School of P u s s y Centered Living opens up!: []


Mentioned in this episode:

Self-Screening Test for PMDD + PME 

The Pillars of Feeling More Amazing Every Single Year

The Vulva Gallery 



Connect with Gem Campbell

Instagram: @thebloodslut []

Website: []

Podcast: Blood Slut Podcast []


Connect with your host, Jenny Braxton:

Instagram: []

Website: []

The School of P u s s y Centered Living: []


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